Oklahoma Floating Dock Kit Project

T Shaped Dock

T Shaped Floating Dock Kit

We sold this T-shaped channel dock kit to David in Oklahoma. The dock system comprised of three 8×8’ docks, one 4×8’ dock, one 4×8’ ramp and ten piling guides. The system used a total of 28 barrels and gave him over 200 square feet of dock space.

David took the lead on installing a dock that would be used by his family and five others in the area. He was excited about building his dock kit, but a little nervous that, due to the competitive price, it wouldn’t function as well as our company claimed it would. After a weekend of assembling and installing the dock with his family, David was extremely pleased with his final system:


Floating Dock Shipment

Floating Dock Shipment

Channel Dock Assembly

Channel Dock Assembly



Channel Dock Decking

Channel Dock Decking

Floating Dock Launch

Launching the Dock

Channel Dock Ramp

Channel Dock Ramp

Oklahoma Floating Dock Kit

Completed T Shaped Channel Dock System

Rolling Barge Review

Rolling Barge Review